Use of Hexagons in the School Compound
Hexagons can be widely found in the natural world of science, for example, in the honeycomb cells of bee hives, shells of turtles and even in snow flakes – it is one of nature’s most stable engineered form. The hexagon is nature’s way of optimising use of resources to achieve efficiency and maximal result. It represents the application of theory of science in the practical world of technology.
7 SSTerling reasons for coming to SST
1. Get an Early Start to Applied Learning
Some learn better by experimenting in the labs or relating to textbook theories through project work. If your child is one of them, you’ll be excited by what SST offers: an early start to applied learning. Throughout our curriculum, which is customised to emphasise applied learning, we will help connect the dots between classroom concepts to real-world context. By training students to apply what they’ve studied to what’s outside the classroom, it promotes more enduring understanding of content and better mastery of academic subjects.
Just like at other secondary schools, SST students will also take their 'O' Levels. But here, they get to choose from a wide array of subjects, plus a new range of ‘O’ Level Applied Subjects available exclusively at SST. (See pg 8)
The combo of a sturdy academic foundation with practical applied learning skills will prepare students well for the ‘O’ Levels. Best of all, they will enjoy the flexibility to choose either the junior college or polytechnic route to university.
2. Learning at SST is Multi-faceted
Learning is a serious business, but who says it can’t be fun! At SST, students do more through a variety of creative applied learning platforms. They see more from multiple perspectives via SST’s integrated approach which combines knowledge across disciplines. And they learn more by being daring – our strong focus on Innovation & Entrepreneurship will challenge them to be confident, inventive and experimental, to lead rather than to follow!
Trained to constantly think out of the box, SST students will not just be book-smart but will be a new breed of thinkers, innovators and entrepreneurs.
3. Rev Up with our Power packed Partnership with NTU and NP
Singapore’s premier tertiary institutions, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Ngee Ann Poly technic (NP), are lending their expertise in curriculum development, facilities design and enrichment programmes to develop SST into a top-notch specialised school. Besides enjoying access to state-of-the- art facilities, students also benefit from research and mentorship opportunities with NTU professors and NP lecturers which enhance their thinking and research skills.
Thanks to NTU’s collaboration with the US-based Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in setting up the first Kauffman campus in Asia, SST students can meet young entrepreneurs from around the world.
A secondary school with tertiary- standard learning opportunities? Now that's value-add!
4. Link up with Successful Entrepreneurs and Innovators
Just how serious are we about grooming Singapore’s next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators? So serious that we’ve rounded up a Board of Directors that includes distinguished entrepreneurs and technopreneurs. We are also the first secondary school to have an Entrepreneurship Advisory Council, headed by Mr Inderjit Singh, CEO of Infiniti Solutions Ltd. Mr Singh is also a Member of Parliament and is the chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for the ministries of Trade & Industry and Finance.
Your child will start networking from the day he or she joins us! If you think your child could be the next Olivia Lum, our valuable industry links could be just what you need to help develop that talent.
5. Plug into Information Communication Technology 24/7
SST will tap on cutting-edge Information Communication Technology (ICT) throughout its curriculum. As part of the FutureSchools@Singapore programme, the school will receive special funding to develop purpose-built infrastructure and facilities. Check out our specialised labs, innovative educational programmes and other high-tech goodies!
6. Learn from Specially-Trained Teachers and in Small Class Sizes
SST teachers are hand-picked for their passion to teach creatively and their ability to impart applied learning skills to students. We also have experienced lecturers seconded from NP and will be hiring professionals from the industry. With our small class size of just 20 to 25 students, students can expect maximum attention and learning opportunities!
7. Excel at the ‘O’ Levels and Beyond!
Yes, we aim to groom students with excellent ‘O’ Level results but we’re looking into more than just straight A’s. Our holistic and broad-based education will also equip SST students with a range of useful life skills, sound moral values, technological smarts and excellent industry contacts that will give them an edge in whatever they do!